Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why we need Magnesium?

Magnesium is one of the four most important minerals our bodies require for cellular health. Magnesium soothes the sympathetic nervous system (providing deeper rest), and is essential for the production of amino acids that are critical for virtually every chemical reaction in our bodies.

How do we know that there is an epidemic of magnesium deficiency taking place? Let me list some of the symptoms: road rage (instability, quick to anger), restless leg (twitchy nervous behaviors), high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, tooth cavities, sleep disorders, cramps, migraines, panic attacks, depression ... Have you seen any of this around you lately?

Food grown on the depleted soil no longer contains enough magnesium to sustain a healthy life state. So should think of getting supplement.

When we restore vital magnesium to the body, we enable cellular regeneration to exceed degeneration. That means we can reverse the symptoms, even if they are labeled "there is no cure for ..."

I bought a big pack of Magnesium Complete from Australia which labeled " For nervous tension, muscular cramps & spasms, Relaxation and sleep " I should start to consume it now since already finished the other brand.

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