Friday, June 29, 2012


I learned drinking coffee after I married my hubby decades ago.  And at one time so much infatuated by such beverage until the day I totally refrained taking it after reading or heresay of the myth of it negativism.  But now more of the new research cleared off my doubtfulness.  Actually one's love of coffee could pay off right in the later part of one's life. 

Research from the University of South Florida reveals that caffeine appears to work with other compounds to increase levels of a colony stimulating factor known as GCSF -- a type of protein that's typically low in Alzheimer's patients.

GCSF helps remove beta-amyloid deposits that cause brain atrophy and Alzheimer's disease. It reveals that moderate daily intake of caffeinated coffee may be the best option for long-term protection against Alzheimer's.

Salute to all coffee drinkers!

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