them to search the Scriptures and come up with subjective answers and spur their determinations to gain more attention to the Words of God.
Maggie, being the Cell Group leader is a capable leader accepted by faith always plans and zealously guard their studies time together. Sometimes when they shared out of the topic, some problems simply fade into irrelevance, then Maggie will always knows how to cope with this situation directing right into her goal and objective. She always plans for her members birthdays and celebrated with them.
This was indeed a very remarkable and memorable birthday celebration they ushered me few months back in April when coincidentlly after few decades, I met my English teacher while I were in Form two then. Hey, teacher, u r hiding at the back!

Group photo at Dynasty Restaurant celebrating 'Dai Ka Jie' Rossie's birthday last Tuesday.

The cake was so beautifully decorated and made by Catherine that made Rossie unwilling to cut the cake and share with us, so she needed to pray harder. We enjoyed the dinner together and sang a birthday song to Rossie.
Honestly, I do enjoy myself with this LCG and always look forward to be with them and at least I do not feel lonely in this city. God is Good All the Time.
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