Well this was a time I shared with them of my daily routine plan n why I stayed online every day........ now I already sold off my babe Kbunai..... Do not get excited and follow me ok guys, I am a lousy investor applying my rojak strategy ... sorry Bee G, I never know u r also half in my shoes, thanks for the sharing. Thus this is a time to share and breakfast on my bill.... TQ God for the wisdom u gave me......so Happy Birthday to U Magg! A song specially dedicated to U.
Time is the most valuable resources, a precious commodity and precious asset on earth. Without it, where will we be? Therefore, do not spend it but use it wisely and efficiently to maximize our opportunities and dreams, hence manage and balance our time to our priority.
Friday, October 22, 2010
Happy Birthday Magg!
This morning I woke up very early without the morning call from my alarm clock; my own biological clock, might be deep inside my mind looking forward to meet all my CG buddies whom I have not meet them for several couples of weeks. Whoosh....... a time out again to refresh n chatting ....... n not forgetting it is Magg's birthday..... so we had chosen a place in After 3.....
Well this was a time I shared with them of my daily routine plan n why I stayed online every day........ now I already sold off my babe Kbunai..... Do not get excited and follow me ok guys, I am a lousy investor applying my rojak strategy ... sorry Bee G, I never know u r also half in my shoes, thanks for the sharing. Thus this is a time to share and breakfast on my bill.... TQ God for the wisdom u gave me......so Happy Birthday to U Magg! A song specially dedicated to U.

Well this was a time I shared with them of my daily routine plan n why I stayed online every day........ now I already sold off my babe Kbunai..... Do not get excited and follow me ok guys, I am a lousy investor applying my rojak strategy ... sorry Bee G, I never know u r also half in my shoes, thanks for the sharing. Thus this is a time to share and breakfast on my bill.... TQ God for the wisdom u gave me......so Happy Birthday to U Magg! A song specially dedicated to U.
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