Chart: KBunai's 60-min chart as at Oct 20, 2010 (Source: Quickcharts)
From the 60-minute chart above, KBunai looks like going for a correction. Look at the divergence between the volume & price movement as well as cross-under of the MACD indicator as well as the tapes read that sellers ruled over the buyers now.
I will see to it when the babe wakes up again. Mean time, let it sleeps first before I touch and moreover many negetives overridden the positives issues.
(do not follow me, readers)
Today feel very "sien" boring no trading done. Just listen to oldies.
In Japanese original version
In Mandarine version
Will tomorrow be better? Only God knows and I cannot predict, but surely a day older and wiser, so trade and use your time wisely for tomorrow will never be the same as today. Do your homework and tomorrow will be surely better..........