My boy John with the others .... All flowers arrangement done by myself... but sad cos my ipod touch did not do the job well or my self got to blame...

My cakes and cookies... poor me...nobody seem to take it... not so delicous .... could be... but they told me my house was the 4th houses they visited in the evening... after all it was already 10pm lo... George the driver, using the church big van taking all of them here... 15 of them in one van....

Some younger ones just busy indulged themselves with the handy little gadget instead "bye niang" ..... this is real electonic games world.....

The only 3 roses among the thorns!

My hubby talking to them......bla bla.....

After all these snaps, only did I realized I need to improve my skill of taking pictures..... who can teach me ah..