Never use the cell phone while it is hooked to the electrical outlet! If you are charging the cell phone and a call comes in, unplug it from the charger and outlet.
If the device is having any deficit order then it can explode any moment when you are answering it which is in the risk of pronoucing death sentence on you. Although cell phone is an useful modern invention and now so essential to daily life so much convenience but we must be aware that it is also an instrument of death.

People worry about being struck by lightning while using their cell phones. They have good reasons to worry, since an average lightning (static electric ) bolt contains 30,000 amps of current, measures about 100 million volts and is about 50,000degrees Fahrenheit.
It is also advisable not to use the gadget during a storm outside in the open space. Years back my brother inlaw witness an on going graduate girl in Kuching still with her handphone under the storm being struck by the lightning and pronounced death upon arrival to the General Hospital. Similarly, we are advised not to on a handset while in the pertrol kiosk. Be mindful that prevention is always better than cure; the US saying an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.