Season your way to better health if u like adding spices into your food or if u r a health conscious guy. We r all vain, painstakingly and haunted by all the medical marvel unveiling to us that a world where devastating aging isn't inevitable. And yet claiming that you can spin back the clock -- Reclaim your looks, reclaim your energy, reclaim your youth but to me I still prefer the natural things out of all nature God provided for us.
From my daily read articles, I learned that a touch of spice might be just what you need to minimize the damage of aging — and even offset the impact of diabetes. Season your way to better health if u like adding spices into your food or if u r a health conscious guy.
New research from the University of Georgia finds that antioxidant-rich herbs and spices can block the formation of harmful compounds that are associated with aging and may inhibit tissue damage caused by high levels of blood sugar. A little spice goes quite a long way, as the antioxidants are extremely concentrated. Here r some herbs and spices keep u looking young.
1. Ground Cloves

Try it in cake or biscuit dough for an added layer of spicy sweetness. I liked to just put it in my mouth n nibble it cos it can cure bateria in the mouth and also good for the teeth, hence no bad breadth. It keeps me awake while driving. I was having acute tooth pain a month ago and from my internet sources, I tried nibbling some in the mouth and subsequently the pain was gone.
2. Ground Jamaican Allspice

'Allspice’ has been given for its aromatic flavor that seems to be a combination of cinnamon, nutmeg and cloves is known to have aromatic and sweet smell and hence it forms an important condiment in kitchens across the world. I like to put in ginger cakes, apple pies or even to marinade with chicken or any meat.
Allspice is known for its carminative, anti-inflammatory, warming, soothing and anti-flatulent properties and a good source of niacin, helping the body in detoxifying harmful compounds. It is also rich in vitamin c which is a powerful natural antioxidant that aids in providing resistance against infectious agents and iron that is required for red cell production in the bone marrow. Having a good source of potassium that helps the body to control heart rate and blood pressure by regulating the balance of sodium in the body blood system. With it high contain of manganese acting as a co-factor for the powerful antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase, by the body. It is also known to increase digestion power, by increasing gastro-intestinal secretions. It can only taken in small amount and not so frequently. Nonetheless, individuals with history of cancer or those who are a risk of cancer should not delve on this herb as Eugenol, a substance found in it, can promote cancer.
3. Ground Cinnamon

I like to spread it on whole wheat toast drizzled with honey and the stick used for curry chicken or with the 5 spices chicken or meat.
Benefit of taking cinnamon ( refer to my post dated : 18/8/10; cinnamon with honey )
4. Ground Oregano

I like to put on top of homemade garlic bread or pizza which is my favorite flour made.
Oregano is an aromatic herb that belongs to the ming family.
Its strong antiviral and antibacterial properties can help destroy organisms that contribute to skin infections, and it also has antiparisitic properties which is helpful in digestive problems. It can strengthen the immune system and helps increase the joint and muscles flexibility. It is learned that it improves respiratory health.
Oil of Oregano when applied topically can help treat skin infections, itchy skin and irritated gums, (but make sure it has been diluted because oregano oil is concentrated and can cause burning sensation to tongue or skin).
Oregano oil helps in the treatment of sinus or lung congestion. Just mix 2 or 3 drops of oil with juice, and drink this daily, you can notice the improvement within 3-5days.
Oregano has antioxidant properties more than apple or bluberries which play a vital role in the prevention of many forms of cancer, as well as perhaps slowing down the aging process.
Fresh oregano like other leafy vegetables is loaded with vitamins and nutrients. It is a good source of iron and manganese as well as calcium, vitamin C, and vitamin A. It also has omega-3 fatty acids.
The dried leaves can also be applied in bags as a warm application to painful arthritic
swellings and other conditions, including rheumatism.

Oregano is rich in fiber too.