Invaluable smile n no need to pay a penny but a blessing to others.
Once a smile to another save me trouble from a gangster who was after me when I overtook a car infront of him. When confronted by him I only smiled to him. Sometimes a smile just melt into someone's heart and save u from trouble. "Nothing shakes the smiling heart" :D
“Peace begins with a smile..” as quoted Mother Teresa.
“A smile is the best way to get away with trouble even if it’s a fake one.”
A kiddy moral story goes saying as smile might put on pride, and how u fare on this ? It goes on like this:
A cunning hungry fox saw a piece of meat and happily rushing to get it while walking along in the jungle but was too late for an eagle came and grasped the piece of meat.
When the eagle became to soar up and perked on a branch, the fox said to the eagle: "Brother eagle, you have lovely feathers." The eagle hearing what the fox said became to take pride and hold up his head high. Then the fox praised again saying "Brother eagle, you are so handsome, and if you sing, I am sure your voice will make everyone in the jungle coming to listen to you."
Over reacted by such praises from the fox, he could not control himself and so he laughed aloud, the piece of meat dropped out of the mouth. His pride now resorted to the trickery fox waiting to grasp hold of the meat under the tree. The fox said happily to the eagle: "Brother eagle, I am very blessed with your smile and even better when u laughed out loud." %OD