I have been doing brisk walking and jogging on level ground in Taman Awam, Miri for the past 3 weeks in the moring before half past eight. To all Mirian guys and the visitors peeping into my blog here, let have a look at the ground and I took some pictures this morining. I liked the place for it is nearer to my place and also it has various facilities for the visitors and users such like public toilets, food stalls and children corners with the ambience of the cool surrounding jungle trees , planted trees and even the fruit trees. During Weekend, there will be hundreds of users or visitors.
Skateboarding here.
I like it here cos' bamboo trees release out more oxygen than any other plants.

Hanging Brideges
Children corner

A shelter to rest or barbecue here.
A hilly jogging track and flight of cement stairs to the level ground and parking space.
A round pebbled track of about a hundred meter for free message on your feet but DIY.