Reflecting back, look like God knew my weakness and every year HE does assign someone to deliver the rice dumplings for my family.

Each time I wanted to learn how to wrap a dumpling, but without any shape took place. Ashamed to say I even used sand to do experiment and the end result was zero. So each year I just cooked all the required ingredients for the fillings and the soaking of the rice. And the final wrapping was always done by my husband. The best contribution he can make within the kitchen area. In short, I think that why God made each and everyone of us so uniquely.
In fact to wrap rice dumplings is easy so long you have patience to learn. It's never too late to learn.. and I really do not know you do not know how to wrap them up..until I randomly read your post today...
Just view mine
Our family used to have rice dumplings now and then as I love to wrap them fresh from the leaves that we grown.. (Perhaps on my dragon boat festival this year, I will write out the whole process of it..) Keep fingers crossed..
ha, at last you revealed one of our weakness. But you are definitely not alone...I have come across many who are in same helpless state as far as rice dumpling is concerned.
I have a lot of receipes on this. But never mind, at least he share a part in the kitchen business. Give him more time and patience lo.
God makes me unique mah,so he has to be patience enough to spend time with me.
eeehhhh..... do u help your spouse to wrap or just donated some vitamin M ?
For the coming season, I already ordered, so no big deal.
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