The word reunion is a noun form which derived from the word reunite (verb) which means to bring together again to convene. It can be family reunion, student reunion or friendship reunion.
With the constant advancement of science and technology, especially in information technology, one gets connected with just a finger click away, and the world made so much smaller. Despite of the hustle and bustle of life the current trend of student reunion came into existence.
On many occasions, I was invited to my husband’s students reunion. It was a great fun together, sharing the past memories, who and who liked each other of such sort and it created an atmosphere to their past. Being the youngest one among the group was always an advantage with all those complimentary remarks, envious words and looks. …ehem..
When monitor Lily came to visit me more than 2 years back, she was very inspired and motivated to have our own reunion with the on hand contacts that I had. She called for the 1st meeting and to my dismay that I droved alone to Sibu just to find only meeting her, despite of this we had a good time together and started searching all u ladies out and with full set of the address including our respected teachers. Thanks to all of u for contributing the email id.
Though I was not present during the time Philo came back from Melbourne, Agnes was always ever ready to report to everybody of the reunion. My first meeting with all u ladies nonetheless only a brief 30 minutes was indeed a moment like the past where friends are probably the meat and potatoes of my social calendar back into the 17 – 18 teens then. Our English teacher who is a shy (lousik) type remained the focus of attention. How mischievous we were then to him? But teachers did admittedly said that we are the only group to invite them out for dinners or breakfast. With my time constraint, I also forgetten to ask whether he is a grandfather or not?
The thought to challenge our IT expert (who was not present then) made me promised to blog for our reunion always stayed but laziness made me sink without a trace until lately mails from u ladies starting to convene for another meeting. Vow, looking forward but rather a bit too early. Will catch up with u gals.
One study found that satisfying friendships predict longevity better than even close family ties, and they can protect against obesity, depression, and heart disease, among other health problems. No wonder one always feels reenergized after a marathon catch-up call with your best college friend or a girls'/boy's night out while during such early dates. Cheer!
Friends , act against your age: Your friends keep you young—simple as that. So if hectic schedules keep you apart, consider carving a more permanent place in your schedule for friends time. Take advantage of Facebook or e-mail groups or msn etc…to stay in touch on a more frequent basis—even clicking through and commenting on a pal's recently uploaded vacation photos can help you feel closer. Do that gals! Don’t keep to the old grannie roles. Ha2……
Here comes my 2nd meeting with u ladies on the 3rd April 2010.
Names r not inserted cos new readers to my blog will need to crack their head where am I.
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