Below is a compiled piece of information from editor William Campbell Douglass II, M.D. of Health Sciences Institute of Baltimore. As a subscriber to them, I always enjoyed reading their medical marval unveiled.
He is One of the healthiest, most active M.D.'s alive unleashes his shocking secret:
"I would PANIC if my cholesterol dropped below 300!" as he wrote. And here goes;
The secret is out––and studies show that higher cholesterol could
slash your stroke risk by nearly 300%!
Dear Misled Friend:
When I hear a buddy bragging about lowering his cholesterol to 160, I think: "My God, he's a walking heart attack."
Before you call me "crazy" (a title I'm very familiar with), let me show you how keeping those levels HIGHER can...
Revive your sex drive...
Lower your likelihood of cancer...
Improve your brain function...
And make you far less likely to die!
That's because of one simple truth: Cholesterol is not your enemy!
When you tune out the mainstream's anti-cholesterol propaganda -- life is good... and I speak from experience. It means sinking your teeth into a juicy steak whenever you want instead of struggling through another bowl of cardboard granola. It means lounging on the front porch with a premium cigar while your neighbors suffer through another grueling jog.
That's how I've always lived my life and it's probably why I'm called medicine's most outspoken MYTH-BUSTER!
Now I want to show you how you can ignore the lies and shrug off your medical miseries IN THE NEXT 60 SECONDS!
Read below for details on how you can:
SLASH ALZHEIMER'S RISK OVERNIGHT... it couldn't be easier!
GET BACK ON THE COUCH and still be strong and fit.
WARD OFF BREAST CANCER with this miracle mineral.
Cholesterol nice and high? GREAT!
I'm not just talking about raising "good" (HDL) cholesterol. I mean total cholesterol and I think it should be ABOVE 200.
It could save your life.
Yes, I realize that mainstream medicine has been ordering patients to lower their cholesterol more and more until they reach that "magic" range of 160.
But, I make sure my levels are always above 200 (I aim for 300), and I've outlived many of my mainstream peers-and indulged in life's pleasures the whole time.
As usual, mainstream science is turning in my favor and backing up my carefree lifestyle. See for yourself...
1. HIGHER cholesterol makes you far less likely to die...
FACT: Lowering cholesterol can make heart disease worse. A review of medical studies on cholesterol and mortality in heart patients found that lower cholesterol levels led to death ––not survival, like the drug companies want you to think.
FACT: Low cholesterol can trigger the deadliest kind of stroke. It's called a massive stroke and it happens when blood vessels in your brain are so weak, they burst open. Any cholesterol count below 200 is a red flag for this kind of stroke.
FACT: Low cholesterol may raise your cancer risk. Yes, a new study actually links low LDL levels with an increased risk of developing cancer. And it's not the first one. In fact, more than 20 studies have been done on cholesterol and cancer. And the overall majority linked cancer with low cholesterol!
How could all this be so? For the same reason that your body makes its own cholesterol. It's a vital nutrient! Cholesterol is a necessary building block for your immune system and especially your brain cells. In fact...
2. HIGHER cholesterol may improve your memory, stave off depression and even protect you from Alzheimer's...
Believe it or not, healthy brain cells are chock full of cholesterol. Yup, 25% of your body's cholesterol is in your brain. It fuels the electrical impulses that make thinking possible. Plus, studies show...
FACT: Low cholesterol impairs brain function. It's been linked to depression. And cholesterol-lowering drugs have been shown to trigger memory loss . (Drug companies want us to forget this -- and we may – if we keep taking statin drugs!)
FACT: Low cholesterol is linked to Alzheimer's. The eminent researcher Iwo J. Bohr recently published a peer-reviewed paper on the subject. He points out that Alzheimer's patients typically have lower cholesterol and suggests that a great way to prevent the disease may be to eat a high cholesterol diet .
FACT: Low cholesterol is even linked to suicide -- and it's not just because folks are fed up with celery and tofu! The real reason is probably that low cholesterol literally makes you crazy!
And now for some upbeat news...
3. HIGHER cholesterol could
super-charge anyone's sex life...
Why? Because cholesterol is the "raw material" for your sex hormones. Without it, you can't manufacture testosterone, women can't make estrogen––and none of us would have any more sex drive than an earthworm!
Now aren't you ecstati that your cholesterol is over 200? If it isn't, think of all the fun you'll have getting it back up to healthy levels!
So who am I to be swinging this ax?
I'm William Campbell Douglass, M.D.
I've been called 'the conscience of modern medicine,' and the National Health Federation voted me 'Doctor of the Year.'
I've also been labeled a 'maverick,' and several less flattering names too, but hey, that's part of the territory. And friend, my territory is everywhere...
I've flown with US Navy crews as a Flight Surgeon...
Saved lives as a long-time emergency physician...
Battled malaria in bullet-torn regions of Central America...
Fought deadly epidemics at my own health clinic in Africa...
Worked alongside doctors at Russia's renowned Pasteur Institute...
I've even been called before Congress (they never asked me back)...
And if there's one undeniable medical fact I've learned in 40 years of treating patients all over the world, it's that...
THERE IS NO SUCH THING as an undeniable medical fact!
Medicine just doesn't work that way. You're not a number, you're a human being. The most unpredictable thing in creation...
And your own road to real health can be easier, cheaper and far more pleasant than any health-nag would ever predict.
First we'll get the diet Nazis out of your life. I mean...
Everyone's hollering 'EAT YOUR VEGETABLES'
But please don't overdo it. Because the actual figures reveal:
VEGETARIANS DIE YOUNGER. Oh, they tell you they're healthier, but census data shows the opposite. Plus...
VEGETARIAN KIDS ARE SICKLIER. The Archives of Pediatric Adolescent Medicine reports that children reared on these diets are at higher risk for 'impaired psychomotor development.
VEGETARIAN DIETS WON'T EVEN MAKE YOU MORE REGULAR. Even teenage vegetarians are 8 times more likely to use laxatives!
AND THEY could SAP YOUR SEX LIFE AND YOUR STRENGTH. This is not a myth. In fact, researchers at the University of Massachusetts Medical School have linked meatless, low-protein diets to slumping sex function and muscle loss and bone damage.
And if your idea of instant breakfast is COFFEE AND A CIGARETTE...
Actually, you're half right. That morning cup of coffee you crave is one of nature's real health miracles:
JUST DRINK 2-3 CUPS A DAY and presto! You're 45% less likely to suffer from gallstones...
RAISE IT TO 4 CUPS and you dramatically drop your risk of colon cancer (the second deadliest cancer in America)...
WANT ONLY ONE CUP? Plug in the pot! Because just one cup of coffee packs the antioxidant power of three fresh oranges.
I don't recommend smoking, but if you do, don't give up the coffee! One study shows it may even help protect smokers from bladder cancer.
Then, when they pester you to 'DRINK 8 GLASSES OF WATER A DAY'...
Turn back on your tormentors with one simple question. WHY?
Know what? NOBODY KNOWS WHY. In the words of a famous nutritionist at Penn State University, 'I can't tell you...and I've written a book on water.'
Maybe your kidneys need it? No, according to a kidney expert at the National Institutes of Health, the average healthy adult gets all the water he or she needs from solid food alone.
Well then, perhaps it's to replace the water you lose from drinking coffee? Wrong again! The Journal of the American College of Nutrition confirms that caffeine doesn't dehydrate healthy people.
From now on, you have doctor's orders to drink water only when you feel like it. And if you'll take just one precaution with your water supply, you can...
It's really easy. Starting tomorrow, drink no tap water. Not because of industrial pollution, but because of chemicals that 'health authorities' are adding to your water. For example...
People who warned against FLUORIDATION used to be ridiculed, but guess what? In Scandinavia, in fact all of Europe, and nearly every other medically advanced nation, they have now banned the practice.
Know why? Because fluoride makes your body absorb extra aluminum . And where does the aluminum go? Your brain. And what metal shows up alarmingly in the brains of Alzheimer's victims? You guessed it. (Hmm... Maybe our health authorities have been drinking too much water?)
INCREDIBLY FRIGHTENING CANCER MYTHS that you can stop worrying about right now
If you don't want cancer, don't believe anyone who tells you:
'SUNSHINE CAUSES MELANOMA.' Just the opposite. In studies all over the world, as sun exposure increases, malignant skin cancer risk goes down. In the sunniest parts of Australia, lifeguards have lower skin cancer rates than office workers.
'ELECTRIC BLANKETS GIVE YOU CANCER.' Know how this myth got canonized? Instead of commissioning new research, a public health authority put the question to a VOTE. (NEWS FLASH: you can't change the laws of nature by voting.) Yet even these geniuses freely admit that more than 500 existing studies show ZERO compelling evidence of electric fields causing cancer. Rest easy and while you're at it, enjoy your heating pad again.
'HIGH FAT DIETS CAUSE BREAST CANCER.' Fat phobia may be the height of fashion, but it's JUNK MEDICINE. Researchers studied 88,795 women over the course of 14 years, and what did they find? Not one sign that high-fat diets promote breast cancer. Not one hint that low-fat diets protect you. And in fact...
Women who consumed the least fat got breast cancer MORE OFTEN
Yet of all the cancer myths current today, none has killed more innocent people than one particular, truly murderous hoax:
'DDT CAUSES CANCER.' Says WHO? Check the record. Back in the 1970s, the Environmental Protection Agency examiner summed up 9,000 pages of research by flatly declaring, 'DDT is not a carcinogenic hazard to man.' He also emphasized that it doesn't harm fish, birds or other wildlife. Despite this open-and-shut case, his boss, EPA head William Ruckleshaus went ahead and banned DDT. Aides later said he never read even one page of the studies. He had helped to hatch the DDT scare and couldn't bring himself to admit he was wrong.
The worldwide witch-hunt against DDT hasn't saved one peregrine falcon. But it has unquestionably murdered tens of millions of human children in tropical nations, who continue to die from malaria,
Dengue fever, yellow fever and other mosquito-borne plagues.
I know this all too well from treating patients at my own clinic in Africa. It steams me to think that the anti-DDT activists who commit this genocide are congratulating themselves for being great humanitarians. And the crowning irony is that...
DDT may even prevent breast cancer
One of America's greatest medical researchers, Dr. William Hazeltine, has found that small amounts of DDT actually lower the risk of leukemia and breast cancer in lab animals. (The animals appeared so much healthier, lab technicians started referring to this miracle compound as 'vitamin DDT.')
Are you starting to see how many deadly health FALSEHOODS have been promoted to FACTS, just by being endlessly repeated? And there's another side to this counterfeit coin. Just as many real health breakthroughs that could save your life tomorrow are being ignored.
That mass media has BLACKED OUT
For example, what if you had a truly foolproof test for detecting hidden cancers? One that finds the cancer early enough to enable a complete cure? Everyone wants there to be a test like this, but...
IT SURE ISN'T MAMMOGRAPHY. One of today's most acclaimed cancer experts, Dr. Michael Baum of University College Hospital, London, recently announced that 'I think there is a deception going on.' Very simply, the latest statistics show that mammograms don't save lives. And half of all women diagnosed with 'early breast cancer' may be having mastectomies for nothing.
IT ISN'T THE PSA TEST for prostate cancer, EITHER. Ask your doctor about the alarming study published in the peer-reviewed medical journal The Lancet. Believe it or not, it shows that men who take this test are more likely to die of prostate cancer than men who don't.
How to detect and defeat NEARLY ANY FORM OF CANCER
It's new, it's called the AMAS test, and nothing else even comes close to it. If your doctor runs it twice, your rate of false positives and false negatives drops to under 1%.
How important is this accuracy? Life or death. For example, if you find prostate cancer early enough, you've got a 99% chance of a cure.
And the test couldn't be easier. The doctor takes a blood sample and screens it for a substance called Anti-Malignan Antibody (AMAS). No squeezing the breasts. No poking around you-know-where.
The antibody is manufactured by your own immune system, in response to any common kind of cancer cell.
Thus, if you simply test for AMAS, you can reliably surmise when cancer is lurking somewhere in your body. And get treatment before it spreads.
Breast cancer, prostate cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, name it...your chances for beating any of these cancers has suddenly skyrocketed!
Exciting? You bet. If there's any cancer in your family, AMAS should absolutely be part of your own regular checkup.
TODAY'S DEADLIEST CANCER-PREVENTION MYTH. You're probably following it at meal-time and hating every minute of it...
THE BEST CANCER PREVENTIVE YOU NEVER HEARD OF, a beverage that cuts off the blood supply to start-up cancer cells...
AND THE REAL 'MAGIC BULLET,' a laser-light therapy that can make chemotherapy obsolete, destroying cancer cells without harming healthy ones.
Then you'll learn about today's most popular form of SUICIDE...
Want to kill yourself trying to AVOID HEART DISEASE?
Then just obey the Food Police and eat a VERY LOW-FAT DIET.
I've been cautioning my readers about this for years and now I'm even hearing agreement from the Chairman of the Nutrition Committee of the American Heart Association. Even he now admits that a very low-fat diet can be harmful to many people! So unless you've actually been tested and found to have a very specific condition called 'pattern B LDL,' be careful to get enough animal fat in your diet.
At this point patients often ask me,'But how can I keep my cholesterol down?' Well, maybe you should be more concerned about getting it higher. Because...
LOW CHOLESTEROL can be much deadlier than high cholesterol
Here too, even the American Heart Association is now admitting...
LOW CHOLESTEROL CAN TRIGGER THE DEADLIEST KIND OF STROKE. It's called a 'massive stroke,' and it happens when blood vessels in your brain are so weak, they burst open.
EVEN MODERATELY LOW CHOLESTEROL LEVELS can raise your risk of these strokes. By this, I mean under 200. Yet many doctors routinely prescribe cholesterol-lowering drugs if it's over 200!
No wonder the British Medical Journal recently announced:
When they actually looked at the figures, guess what? Folks with lower cholesterol were just about as likely to develop heart disease as those with higher levels. It simply doesn't matter.
So what's the real cause of heart disease? Well, for one thing:
Too little RED MEAT in your diet
See how pleasant real health can be? Your friends might say 'YOU'RE NUTS,' but the actual biochemistry behind my EAT LIKE A HUMAN diet is now endorsed by just about every serious heart researcher.
You see, of all the different substances they can measure in your blood, the deadliest risk factor for heart disease is not cholesterol, but a chemical called HOMOCYSTEINE. Because...
Cholesterol doesn't do diddly unless it 'catches' on a ridge or a pit in your artery walls. And the secret cause of these 'cholesterol traps' is homocysteine. Too much homocysteine and your arteries corrode like a rusty pipe.
But it's so easy to cut down your homocysteine levels! Three vitamins do the trick quickly, including vitamins B6 and B12. And by far the richest source of these vitamins is...
You got it. Red meat .
Then you'll learn all about:
HOW TO EXPAND NARROW ARTERIES almost instantly, after any meal, with a nutrient pill that goes to work in seconds...
HOW TO CLEAN OUT DISEASED ARTERIES permanently and make them flow free again, without surgery, diet or any drugs at all...
COMMON INFECTIONS that cause many heart attacks, and the little-known treatment that kills these dangerous germs...
And the next time you hear anyone say 'HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY PREVENTS HEART DISEASE,' be a good friend and set them straight:
HRT can DOUBLE a woman's risk of heart disease
In a recent study of 2,000 women who had suffered heart attacks, taking estrogen doubled their risk of further problems.
Understand, I am not saying that Hormone Replacement Therapy is bad for your heart. It's just that most menopausal women are receiving the wrong mix of hormones. Doctors are flooding their systems with too much estrogen and progesterone, usually dangerous synthetics, when in fact...
The heart-healthy hormone women need is TESTOSTERONE
Forget what everyone told you about 'male' and 'female' hormones. As any first-year medical student should know, both women and men produce all the very same types of sex hormones.
It's just the proportion that's different . Healthy women produce more estrogen and make more testosterone...but all of us need some of each to stay healthy.
Testosterone, not estrogen , is the hormone that keeps your heart strong. If you're a woman over 50, there's a good chance your levels are too low (just as in men over 50).
Do look into it. Not only is it better for your heart, but it may also reverse osteoporosis.
It's even been shown in some to cut breast cancer risk by 90%.
Now what about men? Well, don't let anyone tell you that 'MEN HAVE TOO MUCH TESTOSTERONE.' Because...
What doctors don't tell you about testosterone isn't just stealing your potency. IT'S KILLING MILLIONS OF MEN EVERY YEAR.
Studies show that many American men over 40 actually suffer a dangerous testosterone deficiency. Yet doctors typically don't even test for it, because they too are victims of JUNK MEDICINE:
EVERYONE THINKS that testosterone causes heart disease. Yet the research shows it's a fabulous treatment and may even prevent strokes.
EVERYONE FEARS that testosterone promotes prostate disease. Yet studies show that both benign swelling and cancer typically strike older men, with declining testosterone levels.
EVERYONE ASSUMES that the state-of-the-science treatment for impotence is Viagra. While it can help, all-natural testosterone can make you feel and perform like a 21-year-old again. And, a combination of the!
I am not talking about glucosamine or chondroitin. They do work, but their pain-relief power is limited.
The REAL miracle for joint pain and swelling has been sitting right under our noses for decades. I'm certain you've heard of it...
Good old reliable CORTISONE!
Stay with me here. I realize that everyone tells you 'CORTISONE CAN DESTROY YOUR HEALTH,' and so it can...
But so can any other substance, including water. And when cortisone's powers were first discovered, doctors got carried away. They gave huge doses that were bound to be destructive.
Now, one courageous doctor has proved that cortisone can be safe and a Godsend to sufferers . His name is Dr. William Jeffries.
YOUR BODY PRODUCES ITS OWN NATURAL FORM OF CORTISONE, to help it fight stress, injuries and fatigue...
BUT MANY JOINT PAIN SUFFERERS ARE SECRETLY DEFICIENT in this natural form, called hydrocortisone. Simply correct this with very small doses and the results can transform your life.
Better still, this same natural therapy can clear up many other anti-immune problems, like hay fever, asthma and more besides. So do let me show you how to get access to this real health breakthrough. (Warning: I am not talking about Prednisone, which is dangerous.)
How to protect your loved ones from the world's #1 killer
Everyone thinks that today's biggest threats to your life are heart disease and cancer, but surprise...
Germs are back on top again, as a very worried AMA revealed at a conference not long ago.
People who check into hospitals for treatment of other conditions are dying of bacterial pneumonia that antibiotics can't touch. Tuber-culosis has returned to America in drug-resistant strains...
New strains of colds are lasting for months and doctors are publicly worrying that the killer flu which wiped out 20 million people back in 1919 could be reborn any autumn now...
But cheer up, because despite what everyone tells you... Antibiotics are not our most powerful
weapon against infectious disease
They're just the most profitable for drug companies. Right now, however, we already possess an alternative that can blast all the diseases mentioned above and many more to kingdom come.
It's safe, backed by decades of solid research, and boy is it ever cheap.
You can buy it at drugstores everywhere for 65¢ a bottle. So what is this amazing miracle-in-a-bottle?
Go ahead and laugh if you like, but what follows is no joke:
DID YOU KNOW that your own white blood cells produce hydrogen peroxide? Yes they do. Lots of it.
KNOW WHY? Because that's how they kill invading germs. It's your body's first and best defense against any infection. Kills bacteria, viruses, yeast, parasites - all the bad guys.
DON'T BELIEVE ME? Look it up. (Try the Encyclopedia Britannica website. Check the info on 'granulocytes.' See? I told you so.)
BUT HOW? The hydrogen peroxide molecule (H202) is basically water (H20) with an extra oxygen atom attached. When that oxygen gets released against germs, it 'oxidizes' them. Poof, they're goners.
IT WAS BACK IN 1920 that two English doctors in India tried using hydrogen peroxide to stop a pneumonia epidemic. It worked . Patients on the edge of death bounced back to life.
YEARS LATER, THE THERAPY WAS PERFECTED by Charles H. Farr, M.D., P.H.D. He was recently nominated for the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
IN THE 1960s, DOCTORS AT BAYLOR UNIVERSITY proved its safety and effectiveness against many diseases, including such improbable candidates as cancer and hardening of the arteries.
I'VE USED IT IN MY OWN PRACTICE to treat patients suffering from all manner of maladies from influenza and colds to cases of emphysema. It works fast. It works safely. It works, period.
And this shockingly cheap therapy was a real health miracles for my patients in Africa, where the ungodly high cost of drugs condemns millions to death every year.
So how do drug companies get away with selling expensive antibiotics, when we've got this stuff that's nearly free? You'd call me paranoid if I told you.
Getting intrigued? I'm just warming up...
I'd love to brief you on many more JUNK MEDICINE MYTHS to avoid and real health breakthroughs that truly deliver the goods, but I'm out of space.
THE FIBER FRAUD. Doctors were getting positively hysterical about your colon. Fiber this, fiber that. Now it appears that some kinds of fiber can trigger precancerous growths...
HOW TO THROW OFF FATIGUE by throwing out your vitamin C pills and taking the world's most un-hyped vitamin instead.
VITAMIN 'O' AND OTHER JOKES that masquerade as alternative medicine. They say you eat this stuff and it floods your body with oxygen. EAT oxygen? You may as well try to breathe food.
POWER NAPPING FOR FUN AND PROFIT. Napping is fabulous medicine and now you can make it an even more bountiful fountain of health. Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Napoleon, JFK and other human dynamos shared this sleepy little secret that can make you smarter, sexier and more productive.
And, to keep you ahead of the HEALTH NAGS and on top of the best new real health breakthroughs in the months ahead...
Don't let self-righteous health sadists nag you to death...
Just give your body what it's begging for!
U can get info from the link: